Monday, 15 November 2010

A Blast From The Past

One of my ealier projects was Organic Structures and this brief required lots of still life and observational drawings, alongside texile sample pieces. I have uploaded some of my work from this project as shown below.

My still life as shown above was produced by an observational drawing from the cross-section of a pumpkin fruit which I then developed into a textile sample.

This textile piece I created using the techniques of couching, fabric manipulation and layering as you can see in the above image.

The drawing materials I used to produce these still life's consisted of: water colour paints, oil pastels, chalk pastels and pencil crayons as you can see in the above images.

Shape and structure...

Inspiration from staircases 

"It's just life, so keep dancing through." Wicked: The Musical

                                     Final Major Project
During my first year of fashion I went on a trip to London and watched the spectacular westend musical show Wicked and I must say I did find the show most spectacular and truly wicked. Watching this fabulous musical inspired me for chosing my theme and brief for my FMP which I titled "Wicked". Due to the most stunning and creative costumes used in the show I wanted to create my final piece based around the shows costumes and so I wanted to inject the elements of texture, shape and tones of colour.

This was My FMP Wicked costume modeled by Julia Court (college co student)

Feltmaking using matalic threads and
free-machine stitching

                         To present our finshed pieces we had a catwalk in college as shown in these images.

Gathering my felt swatches which created shape and structure to my garment.